Heartwarming Veterans Stories – Dr. Eans and Veteran Jerrod Stimmel

WARRIORS ROCK is proud to help our Veterans in so many ways. We had in our audience at our 9/11 show a very special dentist, Dr. Troy Eans, who met a Veteran, Jerrod Stimmel, who was welcoming guests to the concert. During the show Dr. Eans watched Jerrod’s video and saw that because of injuries he lacked the confidence to smile or talk without his hand in front of his mouth. Dr. Eans contacted Warriors Rock and we were able to offer Jerrod a new smile! Jerrod has a new smile and we were so proud to be a part of his story! A real life, feel good story with 2 heroes – our Veteran and the dentist who cares!
Dr. Eans and Veteran Jerrod Stimmel
Dr. Eans and Veteran Jerrod Stimmel

Now read Jerrod’s testimonial!

“It is hard to find the proper words to express my gratitude and appreciation to KIM & GARY RACAN – WARRIORS ROCK. From the performers, to the people behind the scene, to the fantastic crowd, the fans, and the generous hearts who contribute to helping Veterans.

I have attended these concerts and love the performances, but their mission nearly brings me to tears. Warriors Rock has recently given me a gift that left me speechless and tears in my eyes. Not long ago I was a victim of a hit and run and left for dead. I suffered many injuries, but one injury that bottled me up was my upper jaw was broken and shifted.

I used to be outgoing and interactive with people, but after serious dental injuries I became silent and reclusive and would avoid conversation and opportunities.

After the Sept 11th 2015 show someone made the most heartwarming generous gift that is giving my self-esteem and confidence back. The gift I received was a dental rebuild totaling somewhere near the sum of $40,000. DR. TROY EANS has given me a second chance to be who I want to be.

I am so grateful for the wonderful people and beautiful souls out there that care and share their empathy and donate to make a difference in someone’s life. Most often the most generous remain anonymous.

To all involved THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! I hope soon I can show how much this wonderful gift means to me and pass the love on to others Veterans that could use a helping hand. I thank all of you so much. Gary Racan & studio e band, Warriors Rock, and all of the sponsors you make a world of difference. Thank you immensely!”

Dr. Eans and Veteran Jerrod Stimmel